Cost Calculation made easy!

Our cost calculation software RS Calculus generates profesional quotations for sheet metal parts in a few cliks.

Cost calculation direct from Laser, punching and combi programs

View your profesional quotation with part images and adjustable parameters

Add aditional worksteps to the calculation

Aditional working steps like painting, welding,… can be defined and calculated

Print quotation and labels

Export to pdf, excel, word or csv your quotations and part labels

Cost calculation is important

The more exact and fast you calculate your costs, the more opportunities you will get. Both approaches are important, the estimation and the exact calculation after finishing the job, then you know where you are


  • Learn and implement it in minutes
  • Improves your customer response on quotation requests
  • Calculates material, energy, gas, and time consumptions
  • Save and reuse your calculations later
  • Save time and money